

A beginners guide to
the world of an 8-month old

At 8-month old the world – or at the very least the floor of your living room - is a veritable adventure playground ripe for exploring. Your baby may now be crawling or showing other signs of wanting to get on the move such as rolling or bottom shuffling. She may even be able to pull herself up to a standing position by holding on to the sofa.

On the move

Exploration is the name of the game at this age, and you’ll be surprised just how far your once immobile little one can get in just a few seconds. If you haven’t done so already, it’s time to baby proof your home to ensure she’s safe as she circumnavigates.


Investigating objects is of primary concern to a curious 8-month old. She may pick up toys or other small objects and gum them in her mouth to test out how they feel. Shaking a toy or banging it on the wall or the floor is great fun too. She’s just starting to learn about cause and effect so don’t be surprised if you find yourself behaving like a jack-in-the-box picking up toys she happily throws out of her buggy over and over and over again. Indulge her if you can. She’s watching, learning and deriving great pleasure from the experience.

Food is fun

Now that she can pick up small pieces of food to feed herself, mealtimes take on a whole new and playful dimension. It’s just one long game from waving bread sticks in the air to smearing yoghurt all over her face, the table and probably you. Resist the urge to spoil her fun by grabbing the spoon and clearing up too soon. It’s an all important sensory experience, even if it is a bit messy.

Look at me!

Your baby’s comprehension skills are increasing now too and you may even be able to play little games such as asking her to find a toy you’ve hidden behind a cushion or pointing to an object when you name it. She might also begin to communicate with you and others through gestures such as waving or clapping her hands.

Anxiety and empathy

You may notice your baby become more agitated or upset than before when you leave the room. This is known as separation anxiety and can be particularly distressing for you as well as your baby. The good news is that separation anxiety doesn’t last forever. Once your baby comes to realize that you always come back, leaving her should become a lot easier over the coming months.

Your 8-month old is now capable of feeling empathy too. If a bout of crying is triggered when she hears another baby cry it’s most likely "reflexive crying" - the first sign of feeling empathy for others.


Please be aware that the information given in these articles is only intended as general advice and should in no way be taken as a substitute for professional medical advice. If you or your family or your child is suffering from symptoms or conditions which are severe or persistent or you need specific medical advice, please seek professional medical assistance. Philips AVENT cannot be held responsible for any damages that result from the use of the information provided on this website.