

Childproofing your home

Now that your baby is on the move, you’ll have your work cut out trying to keep her safe as she rapidly gains confidence exploring. A few minor bumps and knocks along the way are only to be expected but unless you want to spend all your time anxiously following her around it’s wise to eliminate as many potential hazards as possible.

Get on down

The most effective way to baby proof your home is to get down the floor so you can see things from your baby’s level. From down here you’ll be able to see any open plug sockets that need covering, fix any loose cables and wires to prevent her from getting tangled up and take stock of low level items such as standing lamps that need securing. She’ll love pulling herself up from sitting to standing so you’ll also need to secure any larger items of furniture such as bookshelves or drawers too.

Pull up to the bumper

Stock-up on cushions and pillows. They serve as great bumpers when propped against table legs or sharp cornered furniture. You can also buy specially made baby-proofing foam tape to soften the impact of furniture with hard edges.

Safety gates

If you have stairs, sturdy stair gates are a must-have. Ideally place one at the top and one at the bottom of each staircase and remember to close them behind you every time you go up or down.

Best bathroom practice

Your baby will use her mouth as well as her hands to explore so ensure any items that look temptingly edible such as shampoos or creams are kept out of reach or are tightly closed. Keep any toxic substances such as bleach and cleaning products in a locked cupboard. Toilets are a source of endless fascination and your baby may enjoy throwing toys in and trying to fish them out with her hands. Keep the bathroom door closed where possible and if your baby is particularly drawn to the loo, consider a toilet-seat lock.

Kitchen common sense

Fit floor height cupboards and drawers with childproof locks and latches to stop little fingers from getting trapped and to prevent any injuries whilst removing heavy items such as glass dishes or pans. But, keep in mind that closed doors and locked cupboards are be a huge source of frustration for your curious baby. Leave at least one cupboard accessible. Fill it with plastic containers of different shapes and sizes. There is scarcely anything more entertaining for a little explorer than emptying the entire contents on to the floor.

When cooking keep your child away from the oven door when it’s hot. Use the back rings of the hob or turn the saucepan handles away from you so that they can’t be pulled over by tiny hands. And always place hot drinks on surfaces where they can’t be reached and toppled.

Of course, it’s impossible to make your home completely accident proof, even with the most stringent of baby-proofing methods in place so be sure to keep a close eye on your little one on her adventures. Lucky for you she’s great fun to watch.


Please be aware that the information given in these articles is only intended as general advice and should in no way be taken as a substitute for professional medical advice. If you or your family or your child is suffering from symptoms or conditions which are severe or persistent or you need specific medical advice, please seek professional medical assistance. Philips AVENT cannot be held responsible for any damages that result from the use of the information provided on this website.