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Simply re-defining fat-free MRI.

mDIXON XD provides fast, sharp, fat-free images of virtually all patients and all anatomies, and expands diagnostic information by providing two contrasts in one scan. Robust and consistent, mDIXON XD is effective even in large FOVs and high resolution scans, reliably producing images to help you optimize your workflow.

And because it is faster than other DIXON techniques,* we believe mDIXON XD can conveniently replace all your current fat saturation clinical protocols.


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designed to deliver

Designed to deliver fat-free imaging

mDIXON XD delivers fast, sharp fat-free MR imaging to help visualize abnormalities that otherwise could be obscured by fat. Clinical information is increased by providing two contrasts in one single scan.

fat free spine

Fast and sharp** fat-free imaging can help you to optimize your workflow and improve your diagnostic confidence.

improved performance hr

Improved performance even for high resolution and large FOV is enabled by two flexible echoes, a 7-peak fat model and 3D full FOV B0 correction.

Includes fat shift correction for improved sharpness and increased SNR. Whenc ombined with MultiVane XD, it results in fat-free and motion-free imaging in head studies.

No more need for on-the-fly decisions

mDIXON XD is a single fat sat strategy which can be applied to all your exams. Because it consistently suppresses fat, regardless of anatomy, it can help you to avoid the time spent on deciding which fat suppression method to use.

mDIXON XD is a reliable fat sat strategy that works virtually for all patients and all anatomies and helps prevent time wasted on choosing between various fat suppression strategies.

on the fly decisions
tse imaging period

For TSE imaging, mDIXON XD is 30% faster than conventional 3 echo DIXON techniques, enabling adoption in clinical routine.

mdixon tse t1 t2 v

Fat-free performance comes from the fact that mDIXON XDes not suppress fat signal but separates fat and water signal prior to image reconstruction.

a smart choice

A smart choice

A fast and consistent fat-free method like mDIXON XD has the potential to enhance department productivity.



Consistent fat-free imaging supports confident diagnosis; by doing two contrasts in one scan, mDIXON XD helps to reduce total procedure time per patient.

FieldStrength article

Meander Medical Center raises its standard in MRI - After introducing the latest methods, radiologists get more information in the same time, making them more confident in their diagnoses.

Read the article

fieldstrength article teaser

* Compared to the Philips two echo implemented methods with three echo methods.
** Compared to non-fat-shift corrected fat-free TSE approach.

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