Philips Support

How to descale my Philips Café Gourmet Coffee Maker?

Published on 2021-07-04
It is important to descale your Philips Café Gourmet Coffee Maker regularly to ensure optimal brewing results for a long time. Below you will find detailed instructions and video on how you can do this. 

Note: To descale the coffee maker, you can use any liquid descaler or use white household vinegar (4% acetic acid). We advise you not to use powder descalers or descaling tablets as they could harm the inside of your coffee maker.
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Descaling the coffee maker

  1. Place a paper filter into the filter holder
  2. Pour 0.5 litres of white vinegar (4% acetic acid) into the water tank
  3. Place the jug on the hotplate, switch on the machine and let it complete one brewing cycle
  4. Switch off the machine and let it cool down for 3 minutes
  5. Empty the jug and repeat step 2 to 5 once more
  6. Remove the paper filter
  7. Repeat the brewing cycles two more times with fresh and cold water to remove any vinegar and scale residues
  8. Clean the jug, the filter holder, and the rubber insert 

The information on this page applies to the following models: HD5405/60 .

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